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What is the Association-Game?

The Association-Game is a game you play with your friends or against an AI. The goal is to guess the same word as the other players. The players with the most correct guesses win!



The website before this game

Before the creation of this guess the age website, I owned a different website. That website was a guess the rank website, so it w...


How I promote the association-game

With the creation of a website, also comes the need to promote it, so it has a chance to succeed. To promote the association game ...


How well do you know your friends? Find out with the association-game

If you want to check if you think way as your friends do, the association game is just the right thing for you! On this website yo...


How to play the association game

Guess the age is a web-based game that you play with friends. You all see the same word and then have to enter a word that you ass...


The idea to the association game

The idea to the association game came while I was watching a live stream of german streamers Papaplatte and BastiGHG. They were pl...